Fossil Fuel are etherial sculpture crafted from cylindrical glass and wood, resembling fuel rods or electric fuses in nuclear power plants. At the heart of each rod, a skewered coconut delicately floats. The artwork alludes to the present-day consequences of nuclear testing that occurred during the Cold War at Bikini Atoll, a landmass in the Marshall Islands. As a result of the testing, the Bikini Atoll has been contaminated by the radioactive isotope Caesium-137. In order to research the radioactive contamination, coconut plantations were developed on the Atoll. The coconuts, acting as indicators of radiation levels, draw poison from the soil but can never be consumed. This transformation of use alters the semantic and semiotics of the coconuts as they are now indicators and future fossil artifacts, highlighting the sobering reality of nuclear testing and its impact on the environment.
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